Collection: German Cigarette Cards

Frequently Asked Questions about German Cigarette Cards

What are German cigarette cards?
German cigarette trade cards are collectible items that were distributed with cigarette packs before and shortly after World War II. These cards feature a wide range of themes, from historical events and cultural figures to landscapes and architectural marvels, reflecting Germany's rich tradition in the art of collectible cards.

When did the tradition of collecting German cigarette cards begin?
The tradition dates back to before the First World War, with the peak period of collecting and production occurring up until the Second World War. The earliest forms of these collectibles were not cards but images printed on cigarette packaging, evolving into the collectible cards we recognize today by the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Why were German cigarette cards discontinued?
Cigarette cards saw a decline in production due to the economic impact of the World Wars and changing social attitudes towards smoking. In West Germany, cigarette cards were eventually banned in 1955, marking the end of their widespread distribution.

What makes German cigarette cards unique?
German cigarette cards are known for their large formats and detailed imagery, often produced in elaborate series that offered comprehensive coverage of a subject. Compared to other countries, German sets tend to be larger, with some containing several hundred pictures, offering an expansive view of the theme being depicted.

How can I determine the value of a German cigarette card?
The value of a German cigarette card is influenced by its rarity, condition, and the popularity of the subject it depicts. Researching recent sales on online auction sites and consulting with collectors and experts can provide insights into current market values.

Are there resources available to learn more about German cigarette cards?
Yes, there are numerous resources online, including articles, forums, and collector groups dedicated to the history and collection of German cigarette cards. Additionally, publications like the Koeberich book make a first good start.